Medieval Art: Religious Symbols, Architecture, and Traditions
The Middle Ages—a time of mystery and grandeur—left us with unique masterpieces of art and architecture. From the 5th to the 15th century, Europe underwent cultural transformations, blending ancient traditions with Christian motifs. In this article, we explore Medieval art and how it reflected the spirit of the era and changed the world.
The Centuries-Long History of the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages lasted approximately a thousand years, from 476 to 1500. It is almost twice as long as both the Renaissance and the Baroque. The Middle Ages is a period which covered many centuries. That is why it is impossible to identify the features that would be common for the whole epoch.
There is no exact date of when the epoch ended. Some scholars believe it was in 1453, when Constantinople fell; others suggest 1492, when Columbus discovered America; there are even those who state it was in the late 18th century.
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