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Good and Healthy Sleep: Secrets of a Great Night

Sleep is a mysterious state in which we spend about a third of our lives. But this third determines our health and performance at all other times. Sleep is the best way to rest and the most affordable medicine for many diseases. Healthy sleep improves literally all of our body's processes: it helps us study more effectively, look better, and reduce the risk of many diseases. That's why getting enough sleep is so important. If sleep seems like a waste of time, we're here to convince you otherwise. Note: The Affina Team isn't giving medical recommendations. But we advise you to lead a healthy lifestyle and are here to help you by explaining scientific facts in simple, easy-to-understand language. If you encounter problems with sleep, be sure to consult a doctor.

Understanding Sleep Cycles

Sleep is a particular physiological state of the body, the opposite of wakefulness. Our reaction to the outside world decreases during sleep, but the brain does not stop operating. The change in sleep and wakefulness cycles is necessary for the existence of all higher-functioning animals. Mammals, birds, reptiles, and invertebrates sleep. Our desires to sleep or stay awake are mainly due to our circadian (from the Latin circa "about, around" + dies "day") rhythm. Every living being produces this daily rhythm. The adjusted mechanism counts approximately 24 hours and sends the necessary signals to the brain and other body parts.

The Structure of Sleep

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