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Introduction to Healthy Eating

Introduction to Healthy Eating

On average, we eat 2 kilograms of food per day. Every dish that ends up in our refrigerator can either become a building block or a destructive stone in the fortress that we call our body. That's why it's important for anyone who wants to be slim and energetic to eat right.
Healthy eating is a system that you need to adhere to every day of your life. This is more difficult than staying on a diet for a month, but it requires fewer restrictions and brings with it much more benefits.
In this article we'll introduce you to the basics of healthy eating and tell you:
  • How to lose weight and no longer age.
  • What kind of food should be thrown in the trash.
  • Do I need to constantly count calories?
  • Is it possible to eat meat and how much water does a person need?
You'll find out:
  • Which products have a lot of benefits;
  • How many vegetables should be on your plate;
  • How to calculate the Body Mass Index;
  • What CPFC is and why it needs to be adhered to;
  • Why we need proteins and fats;
  • What the difference is between simple and complex carbohydrates;
  • What autophagy is and if interval fasting is safe;
Healthy food helps to lose weight, avoid serious illnesses, and feel in good shape. The longread is suitable for anyone who wants to be slim without long exhausting diets and with benefits for the body, and who also cares about their health.

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2024-08-24 19:36