The Magical Worlds of John Tolkien
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is a person of great importance in the world of literature. He was known as one of the most talented and original writers of his time, the author of world bestsellers such as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. But what made him an iconic writer? Let's figure it out together!
Tolkien created a huge detailed universe that captured readers from all over the world. But do you know that Tolkien himself did not consider himself primarily a writer?
In our article you will learn:
✓ About Tolkien's family and childhood;
✓ About what inspired Tolkien to create the world of Middle-earth;
✓ About the importance of his literary heritage.
Tolkien's biography is a story about how a person can create something beautiful if he does what he loves.
How did Tolkien invent new languages? Why did he hate Disney and refuse to print his books to German publishers? About this and much more in the Affina’s longread!
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